Payment Guidelines

Payment can be processed through:


Landbank of the Philippines
Calapan Branch

Account Name: Southwestern College of Maritime, Business and Technology
Account Number: 0000-0501 - 1403 - 50

Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)
Calapan Branch

Account Name: Southwestern College of Maritime, Business and Technology
Account Number: 000-01382-605-3


Security Bank Calapan Branch

Account Name: Southwestern College of Maritime, Business and Technology
Account Number: 0000-0286-5724-1

Install app using PALAWANPAY APP


Remittance Centers through Palawan Express Pera Padala.

  • School Account Name:
    Southwestern College of Maritime, Business and Technology

  • Mobile No. 09276295115

1. You may send your proof of payment (deposit slip, remittance, receipt) through this email for verification and issuance of official receipt.

2. Indicate the name of student.

3. Payment purposes (e.g) for downpayment, prelim, midterm, semi finals, finals and other purposes.

All the best,

Marivic D. Fernandez , DBA
VP / Registrar / Treasurer