SCMBT, envision itself to be one of the Philippines Top Educational and Training Institution that builds and shapes career, responsive to changes innovation and transformation


SCMBT is committed to provide the best education and training through Quality System Standard. It advocates values formation and strong foundation to build leaders and global workers of modern generation.

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SCMBT was established in the year 2002 solely as Maritime and Technical School pursuant to the provision of Manual of Policies and Standards in accordance with TESDA Law, Republic Act 7796.

It was registered with TESDA in the said year. The primary purpose is to provide Quality Maritime and Technical Education and support the needs for employment in land based and sea based industries.

It was established to advocate quality education with a commitment to produce globally competitive seafarers, technicians and professionals with moral values, workmanship, diligence and honest service and to foster positive attitude & perspective, love to God and Country.

More about SCMBT


SCMBT was incorporated on the said year with the Securities and Exchange Commission with Registration Number CN200262474. It is a great blessing that SCMBT has obtained its satisfactory passing and controlled rate for International Quality Standard with Five Noteworthy Efforts and strongly recommended to International Standard Organization or ISO by the Det Norske Veritas on July 06, 2007 and received its ISO Certificate in August of 2007.

SCMBT was the first ISO Certified School for Maritime and Technical Education in the Provinces of Mindoro, Romblon and Marinduque that was recognized with potential opportunity to develop for higher level of accreditation. Presently, SCMBT is an Assessment Center for Tourism Sector with qualifications in Housekeeping NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC II and Front Office Services NC II.

It is also an Assessment Center for Construction Sector with the qualification for Masonry NC II and Plumbing NC II. SCMBT will soon to be an Assessment Center for Maritime with the supervision by the Maritime Industry Authority or MARINA pursuant to its Implementing Rules and Regulation.

SCMBT has a great potential to pursue its degree programs with its quality system and formal submission of application to the Commission of Higher Education or CHED and able to build up strong partnership with the Department of Education in positioning the K+12 Program with its specialized technical and skills training capability.




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areer Oriented and Committed


oral Values, Leadership and Spiritual Growth


e of Confidence, Respect and Integrity


ransformation to Betterment, Proficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity